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Upsidedown is a WordPress theme design that brings blog posts rising above inverted header and footer components.


Once a software engineer immersed in lines of code and mathematical thinking, I found myself drawn to the dynamic world of digital marketing.

How did this transformation occur?

Why did I betray myself and my predecessors?

I think you are going to hate enjoy this one.

The journey reveals how the worlds of software engineering and marketing are not as distant as one might think.

The Spark

At a first glance, coding and digital marketing seem to be the exact opposite from each other.

Coding seems to be a more “squared” and “serious” discipline, while digital marketing seems to be very creative, artsy and even fun.

In marketing, everything is about assholes the consumer.

In engineering, everything is about shit things

Socialy, engineers and marketers live in parallel universes.

Engineers look like geeks. Marketer bros look like the cool kids.

As an engineer, I can of course this is completely true a gross generalization and it is actually not true.

There are certainly cool kids in software (like me) and total nerds on marketing (also like me).

As me and my cousin started a business in 2023, my mindset changed.

After asking ourselves: ¿How can we make money and leverage our skills in engineering and science?. Then it struck us.

God damn it, is the same thing!

At thome point, we were talking to each other about what was required to succeed in marketing.

We ranted about how we needed to deploy campaigns iteratively, asking questions about our audience and acquire knowledge about the most effective ad copy through experimentation.

More over, when starting a campaign from scratch, you are clueless about what is going to work in the market place.

You also are probably going to break things before you make them work.

You are probably going to break them again after you make them work.

As Alex Hormozi quotes in his book $100M Offers: you don’t know shit about fuck.

You humble yourself. Then you realize you can do it. You have the tools.

Then, the magic happens.

The Outcome

After months of trial and error, you start to know a little shit about a little fuck.

Your experiments – also called ad-campaigns – start to work.

Your decisions are informed by past data and current performance. You iterate and improve. You are actually driving outcomes. You can even start to make forecasts.

You start to measure conversions. You start to get exited.

Your client makes a large sell. You scream YES!

You start to acquire knowledge and experience.

With knowledge, As a team you start shipping more confidently. You build upon what you have built on the past. Your users are more satisfied by the day.

You realize that you engineered something.

You engineered sells.

You can do it again.

You will do it again.


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